Vulnerability Equals Strength | Allan Kehler

Before introducing me for this morning’s keynote, the director of Saskatoon Light and Power, Trevor Bell, shared that he struggled with anxiety. Never before had he spoken those words out loud to his colleagues.

Why did Trevor choose to share?

Because he has embraced the power of vulnerability.

As a leader, Trevor is creating a workplace where others can say, “Me too”.

It’s a beautiful thing when people feel like they can speak openly about their mental health challenges without fearing judgement.

To further this conversation, Trevor provided every employee with a copy of MENtal Health: It’s Time to Talk.

Thank you Trevor for reminding us of the following:

Vulnerability equals strength.

You are a true leader Trevor. Much respect.


“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler