Recovery Archives | Allan Kehler
Vulnerability Equals Strength

Vulnerability Equals Strength

Before introducing me for this morning’s keynote, the director of Saskatoon Light and Power, Trevor Bell, shared that he struggled with anxiety. Never before had he spoken those words out loud to his colleagues. Why did Trevor choose to share? Because he has...
5 Life Lessons From Sobriety

5 Life Lessons From Sobriety

It has been said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. My journey towards sobriety began 13 years ago, and in that time I have discovered the following truths: Sometimes we need people to believe in us more than we believe in ourselves Once you...
TEDx Talk: Mental Health Crisis in Men

TEDx Talk: Mental Health Crisis in Men

Men. We are dying at a suicide rate that is three times greater than women. Why? What prevents men from reaching out for help? My hope is that this TEDx talk can empower men to be vulnerable and reach out for help.   Based on my best-selling book MENtal Health:...
My New Family

My New Family

12 years ago I threw away my last cigarette as I drove over 500 kilometres to move in with Tanya and her two boys. I had little to offer. I was three months sober, jobless, and weighed down with student debt. I had a lemon of a car and emotional baggage spilling out...

My Journey Towards Wellness

As a kid, I never grew up hoping to one day struggle with mental illness or become an addict. Who knew that these were the lessons I needed to learn to be in a position to help others with their mental health. My challenges with mental illness began at the age of 14...

“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler