Mental Wellness Archives | Page 2 of 4 | Allan Kehler

How I Made A Living Doing What I Love

Last week I was reunited with Ray Reshke, the man responsible for starting my speaking career. At the time, I was only a few months into my recovery from a gambling addiction that damn near killed me. I attended various Gamblers Anonymous meetings in Edmonton, and...

World Mental Health Day: Be Kind. Always.

Recently, I was teaching my son how to drive. I suspect many of you have been there as well; white knuckled as you grab onto that OMG handle praying for safety. Anyway, we are merging onto the highway at a snail’s pace, and I notice that a truck is rapidly...

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Over the past two weeks some nasty flu’s have ripped through our home. While I slept downstairs to avoid the mayhem, my wife, Tanya, was on the front lines. The entire time I was on the road speaking she stayed by the kids sides night after night. Never...

Addressing Suicide in the Workplace

Before speaking for a company, I always ask whether there have been any recent tragedies that have impacted the workplace. A few days before delivering a keynote I was informed that one of the company leaders, Fred, had just lost his niece to suicide. Sadly, hearing...

Make 2019 YOUR Year

I find it fascinating that countless people mark January 1st as the day for new beginnings. But, let’s think about that for one second. Can’t any day serve as the opportunity for new beginnings? I understand that January 1st can act as the catalyst for...

“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler