workshop Archives | Allan Kehler
The Power of Hope

The Power of Hope

The image on the left was without question one of the most challenging times of my life. I hid behind my smile, and not a single person knew the depths of my struggles with mental illness and addiction. As a teacher, I downplayed my collapse in the hallway outside of...

Mental Health Tips

Over the past few weeks I have received numerous requests asking for tips to assist in one’s mental wellness.  This has inspired me to create a series of mental health tips. Here is tip number 1!...

Men and Suicide: It’s Time to Talk

  Lately, I’ve received a lot of messages from men who are really struggling, and I have a very legitimate fear that as we continue to navigate through COVID-19 we are going to see an increase in male suicides over the next few months. Men, we are dying by...

3 Strategies to Manage Emotions

Here’s the thing… emotions are energy. Where we run into problems is when this energy remains trapped inside. In an attempt to manage my emotions, I spent many years turning towards self-harming behaviours, or substances like alcohol. That did not work. What did...

COVID-19 and Grief

This image was taken during my last keynote before COVID-19. As time ticks on I am finding that one of the greatest emotions I am feeling is grief. After spending so many years trying to harm or kill myself this was my redemption. However, while there is loss for all...

“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler