Has COVID-19 Impacted Your Mental Health? | Allan Kehler


Has COVID-19 impacted your financial well-being

and mental health?


Out From the Shadows Consulting Inc. is offering 10 separate gifts of $100 to deserving individuals in need.

To be eligible submit 250 – 400 words explaining how COVID-19 has negatively impacted your life, and what you have done for your mental wellness during this challenging time. We will be sharing these strategies through social media as a means of supporting each other. Please note that all names and personal information will be kept confidential.

Submissions are due on Friday, March 27th and can be entered at


Gifts will be distributed Sunday, March 29th.

“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler