Mental Illness Archives | Page 2 of 3 | Allan Kehler

A Male Teacher Speaks Openly About Mental Illness

Few males can be found teaching elementary school, and even fewer of these speak openly about their challenges with mental health. Meet my best friend, James Siemens. Living in a small prairie town makes it even more difficult to speak about mental illness. While...

4 Lessons Learned from Suicide

Silence is not the answer. It’s time to talk openly about suicide.   I have spent the last few months traveling to several communities to discuss this prevalent issue of suicide, and I wanted to share a few of the lessons I have learned. 1. Ask the tough...

How I Made A Living Doing What I Love

Last week I was reunited with Ray Reshke, the man responsible for starting my speaking career. At the time, I was only a few months into my recovery from a gambling addiction that damn near killed me. I attended various Gamblers Anonymous meetings in Edmonton, and...

You Were Born Resilient

You were born resilient, and you were born to fight. My latest book Born Resilient: True Stories of Life’s Greatest Challenges has received criticism over its title. The argument is that we were not born resilient, but rather that resiliency is a skill we must...

The Power of Your Story

  There is nothing more powerful, or as sacred as your story.  Have you ever shared your story? If not, what’s holding you back? For me, it was fear. Fear of being judged. Fear of being vulnerable. That list could go on and on. But then I took a risk, and...

Rewriting the Scripts of Men and Mental Health

My travels recently took me to a small rural community. Here, I was asked to deliver a motivational message to the countless volunteers who tirelessly gave their time to assist others. I was welcomed with open arms and embraced with the warm hospitality that only a...

“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler