canadian keynote speaker Archives | Allan Kehler
The Power of the Talking Circle

The Power of the Talking Circle

I spent 8 summers riding around on a gator working for the City of Saskatoon. Every season, I used up all of my sick time due to my mental health challenges. However, I never knew how to talk about my mental health struggles with my supervisors, and my supervisors...
Facing Your Fears

Facing Your Fears

This picture was taken while delivering a keynote back in 2014. What I remember most is being absolutely mortified as I walked towards a stage that was surrounded by screens that projected my every move. I had never experienced that before. I struggled with body...

Your Family Deserves the Best Version of You

When I pull into my driveway after work, my eyes rest on the ribbons hanging from my rear-view mirror. This is my personal car wash. This is my reminder to clear any negative energy that I may have picked up throughout the day. This is my reminder to give my family...

I Value My Son More Than Work

The book Born Resilient was released in December, and the cover featured our 6-year-old son, Malcolm. Ironically, 7 months later he was forced to put his own resilient nature to the test. In June, my wife and I discovered a large mass in Malcolm’s stomach. The...

The Risks and Rewards of Being Vulnerable

It took me a long time to be comfortable talking publicly about my issues of addictions, mental illness, and sexual abuse. I used to underestimate the power of a story, and its unique ability to connect with others. Last week I received the e-mail below, and it served...

“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler