A Memorable Moment in My Journey
My wife, Tanya, and I have been delivering papers with our 4 boys for just over 10 years. However, today was a little different. My face and story was front and centre on the Bridges Magazine, and it forced me to reflect on my journey. I spent so many years feeling...
More Than Just A Wayne Gretzky Rookie Card
I finally got my hands on a Wayne Gretzky rookie card, but this is much more than just a card to me. 7 years ago I sold my Gretzky rookie card so that we could pay our bills. At the time I heard Dr. Wayne Dyer say, “Whatever your passion is I promise you, you...
Rising Above Our Challenges
Since I was a kid, I have had a fascination with eagles. While all other birds fly away from a storm, an eagle flies directly into it. They carefully position themselves to take advantage of the incoming winds that eventually lift them high above the storm. We can...