culture Archives | Allan Kehler

Fundraiser for Men’s Camping Trip

My friend, Tommy Laplante, identified a need in the community, and created a program to match that need. Tommy understands the value of land-based healing, and will be taking men camping and fishing. This initiative is taking place through the Saskatoon Indian &...

Lane’s Story: A Spiritual Connection

My story is unbelievable to most. In fact, I would have a hard time believing it if it had not happened to me. It was another typical school morning, and my partner, Shawna, was pulling out of our driveway with our four kids in the car. As I watched from the front...

Talking Facilitates Healing

We do not determine when it is our time to go. The Creator decides. I discovered this truth on a December winter’s evening that will forever be etched in my mind. After a long day of work, I entered my home, hoping to see my three kids before they left for their...

“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler