Perspective Archives | Allan Kehler
Shoveling with Gratitude

Shoveling with Gratitude

Today, we received another healthy dose of snow on the prairies. Over the past few days, I have heard numerous people complain that they have to shovel their driveway. Here’s some perspective… They have a driveway to shovel. Homelessness is a reality for...

Healing Words from the Former Humboldt Broncos Assistant Coach

I don’t know about you, but I found it really difficult to examine my pain. It was easier to project my pain onto others, turn to alcohol in an attempt to escape it, or immerse myself into work. Healing is work.   Chris Beaudry reminds us of this truth....

Don’t Fix. Listen.

Have you ever tried to fix someone? Did it work? As a counselor and even as a friend, it took me a long time to understand that I had no right to fix someone. Who am I to decide what is best for another individual? To truly understand someone means that I have to...

4 Lessons Learned from Suicide

Silence is not the answer. It’s time to talk openly about suicide.   I have spent the last few months traveling to several communities to discuss this prevalent issue of suicide, and I wanted to share a few of the lessons I have learned. 1. Ask the tough...

How I Made A Living Doing What I Love

Last week I was reunited with Ray Reshke, the man responsible for starting my speaking career. At the time, I was only a few months into my recovery from a gambling addiction that damn near killed me. I attended various Gamblers Anonymous meetings in Edmonton, and...

“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler