Recently, I was teaching my son how to drive. I suspect many of you have been there as well; white knuckled as you grab onto that OMG handle praying for safety. Anyway, we are merging onto the highway at a snail’s pace, and I notice that a truck is rapidly...
Today marks 10 years of sobriety. I am emotional even writing that. The reality is that nothing in my life would be possible without my sobriety. Nothing. I would not be blessed with a beautiful wife, four incredible sons, and a home not a house. From day one my...
Early June, 2018 my wife, Tanya, and I discovered a large mass in the stomach of our six-year-old son, Malcolm. The situation progressed rapidly, and what transpired over the next few months was one of the most challenging experiences of my life. It’s one thing when...
A man recently shared a very intriguing story about his first few days as an immigrant in Canada. Naturally, he was told that he needed to experience Tim Hortons Coffee. (What is more Canadian than that?) As he stood in line he watched a Caucasian woman behind the...
What do you see when you look at this image? When I show this to an audience, many reply with the same automatic response: A black dot. I then attempt to make a joke and say something like, “If you see a clown’s face we need to talk.” But why is it that the majority...