Canada Archives | Page 2 of 8 | Allan Kehler
A TEDx Moment

A TEDx Moment

This was the highlight of my day. Due to a hotel room being unavailable, a mother asked the event coordinator if her children could attend the keynote. Her children didn’t know who the speaker was, but as soon as I started sharing my story about mental health, one of...
Shoveling with Gratitude

Shoveling with Gratitude

Today, we received another healthy dose of snow on the prairies. Over the past few days, I have heard numerous people complain that they have to shovel their driveway. Here’s some perspective… They have a driveway to shovel. Homelessness is a reality for...
5 Life Lessons From Sobriety

5 Life Lessons From Sobriety

It has been said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. My journey towards sobriety began 13 years ago, and in that time I have discovered the following truths: Sometimes we need people to believe in us more than we believe in ourselves Once you...
A Memorable Moment in My Journey

A Memorable Moment in My Journey

My wife, Tanya, and I have been delivering papers with our 4 boys for just over 10 years. However, today was a little different. My face and story was front and centre on the Bridges Magazine, and it forced me to reflect on my journey. I spent so many years feeling...
More Than Just A Wayne Gretzky Rookie Card

More Than Just A Wayne Gretzky Rookie Card

I finally got my hands on a Wayne Gretzky rookie card, but this is much more than just a card to me. 7 years ago I sold my Gretzky rookie card so that we could pay our bills. At the time I heard Dr. Wayne Dyer say, “Whatever your passion is I promise you, you...

“What’s stronger than a broken man who has the courage to rebuild himself? It’s time to redefine what it means to be strong.”

- Allan Kehler